[Official] The Regulations For The Upcoming Primavera Championship Have Been Shifted To Under-20 Category

June 19, 2024

The official change in the Primavera championship rules has been confirmed. The competition will now shift to the under-20 category, allowing 2005-born players to participate without being subject to quota restrictions. As outlined by Il Corriere dello Sport, there will be no numerical limitations, and teams can field only one over-aged player, who is, however, ineligible for the final five regular-season matches and playoffs. Last season, this slot was filled by Gonzalez at Lazio.

For the squad, a minimum of 8 out of 22 players must be Italian, and at least 8 must be 'local' (meaning they have played at least two seasons in Italy). Here is the list of 2005-born players from the Biancoceleste squad last season: Magro, Di Tommaso, Nazzaro, Milani, Bordon, Zazza, D'Agostini, Dutu, and Sardo. If these regulations are upheld, all these players can continue to be part of Sanderra's squad without any issues. 

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