Daichi Kamada's Choice: Continue With Lazio Or Premier League Temptation

Lazio are awaiting a decision from Daichi Kamada. The automatic renewal option for his contract expires on May 30th, leaving uncertainty about his future with the Biancoceleste. His agents are expected in Formello soon to renegotiate his contract and seek a salary increase from 3 million to 3.5 million euros. If an agreement isn't reached, he may leave, though both coach Tudor and President Lotito are confident he will stay.

Meanwhile, Crystal Palace is making a strong push to sign Kamada, with Glasner eager to reunite with him after their positive stint in Frankfurt. Negotiations are ongoing between the English club's officials and Kamada's representatives. Palace has offered a contract until 2029 with a salary of five million pounds plus bonuses per season, a lucrative deal that Lazio cannot match. Lotito and Fabiani are waiting for Kamada's agents, hoping to emphasize Tudor's commitment to the player and the promise to activate the renewal option if he feels comfortable in Rome.

Despite the attractive offer from the London club, Kamada has yet to decide. It's unclear whether he's waiting for Lazio's final offer or an opportunity with a Champions League club, his ultimate goal. Lotito has made it clear that he won't make irrational moves to retain him, asking Kamada and his representative for a serious approach. The next few hours will reveal whether Kamada will remain in Rome or seek a new adventure, with London calling in the background.

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