[Official] Antonio Troise, A Lazio Youth Prospect, Has Left The Club After Four Years

Having been born in 2005, Antonio Troise quickly emerged as one of the most promising talents within the Biancoceleste youth sector. His potential was so evident that upon arriving in Rome, Sarri wasted no time in summoning him for a training camp with the First Team in 2021. However, despite his undeniable talent, Troise ultimately chose to part ways with Lazio as he opted not to sign a professional contract with the club. Instead, he sought a different path to further his development. Having joined at the age of 14, Troise will now depart at the age of 18.

The departure of Bianchessi, director of the youth sector and his discoverer, may be one of the reasons for his departure. In his farewell message, he specifically thanked him as well. He expressed his gratitude towards the club and its president for their support and opportunities.

"Today is the day of goodbyes; after four very long years, my adventure with the Lazio club comes to an end; I arrived here in Rome at the age of 14, basically a child, who left his affections and loved ones prematurely for the love of football and many dreams in the drawer, four intense years, many satisfactions, and some dark moments. Injuries, tears, and sleepless nights."

"However, these moments specifically made me grow as a footballer and as a human, I encountered numerous people, and I made numerous strong friendships, all of which I will carry with me eternally, I appreciate all of my teammates, and I want to thank all of my cooks, drivers, waiters, and management, as well as my mother Elena, who made my life easier at home, I want to thank the president Claudio Lotito, who allowed me to wear these beautiful colors, and finally, I want to thank the director Mauro Bianchessi, who believed in me from the first day, supported me during my dark moment. I appreciate every single member of this wonderful club."

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