List Of Lazio Player That Failed To Convince Sarri

After submitting the squad roster to Lega Serie A and UEFA for this season's competition, Lazio still has 10 players whose status is out of the squad.  These players largely failed to convince Maurizio Sarri during their pre-season training camp at Auronzo.  Some of them are due to recurring injuries that have the potential to interfere with their performance.

Among the names of players outside this squad, four names catch attention.  They are Jony, Riza Durmisi, Bobby Adekanye, and Jordan Lukaku.  These four players are considered to still have the skills that are qualified to compete in Serie A. Unfortunately, Sarri has not seen them adjust to the scheme he formulated.

The following is a list of Lazio players outside the squad:

 1. Jony

 2. Riza Durmisi

 3. Jordan Lukaku

 4. Bobby Adekanye

 5. Cristiano Lombardi

 6. Alessandro Rossi

 7. Luca Falbo

 8. Alessandro Cerbara

 9. Jorge Silva

 10. Patryk Dziczek

With the status outside the squad, how are their daily lives?  10 players remain under contract with Lazio.  They also still follow the training session at Formello, it's just that the time does not coincide with the first team schedule.  These players will train more with physical trainers to maintain their fitness even if they are not competing.  As Lazio players, players outside this squad also still have access to the physiotherapists and other professional staff members at Formello.  Even though the transfer window in Italy has closed, these players can still hope to move to other leagues whose transfer windows are still open, such as Turkey, Serbia, Russia, and Romania.

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